State Wetland Authority Kerala (SWAK) under the Department of Environment housed in the premises of the Directorate of Environment & Climate Change (DoECC) function as nodal authority for all wetland specific activities within the State. The authority also identifies mechanisms for convergence with regard to implementation of integrated management plans of notified wetlands through various line departments.
Shri. Pinarayi Vijayan
Hon'ble Chief Minister (Chairperson, SWAK)
Dr. Rathan U. Kelkar IAS
Secretary, Environment Department (Member, SWAK and Chairman - Technical Committee)
Dr. Venu V IAS
Chief Secretary, Government of Kerala (Vice Chairperson, SWAK)
Shri. Suneel Pamidi IFS
Member Secretary
Whats New
Notification of Contract Staff in State Wetland Authority Kerala (SWAK) (dt. 04-07-2024)
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Rank List for the post of Project Scientist and Wetland Analyst
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